About Me


I'm a senior Computer Science student at UMass Amherst. I have a strong passion for developing responsive and intuitive experiences for a digital world.

Through projects, internships, and a love for learning, I have experience in modern web development with React, JavaScript, MERN, and JAM stacks.

When I'm not learning and developing, I enjoy rock climbing, cycling, and videogames.


Make it Fresh
Find, save and manage new recipes. Simply input ingredients lying around and get smart suggestions. MERN stack application utilizing Edamam API and recipe database.
Movie Genre Classifier
Neural network to predict what genres a movie is based on its title. Trained from trimmed IMDB database, using Keras and TensorFlow. Try it out!
Machine Learning/Web
This Website!
Responsive, fast and minimal static PWA made with GatsbyJS and React. Uses modern styled components, Formspree powered forms, and hosted on Github Pages.
Advanced Protect
Car maintenance hub with interactive instructions and health status on tires, oil, etc. Personalized to make, model and annual mileage. Created in React, utilizing Google Maps and CarMD APIs.
New Legs
Streamlined IT Ticketing system for Level 1 IT Support agents. One page application with simple and easy to use interface. Created with Angular 5 and Java Spring backend

Say hi!

I'm Matt and I'm a software engineer!

Matt Malone

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